A Midsummer Night's Dream at The Globe

Yesterday evening I attended a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream at Shakespeare's Globe. In a word, it was AMAZING! The director definitely highlighted the bawdy comedy of the play; the audience was in hysterics throughout the show. The sets were simple and superb, and I loved the costumes. Puck and the rest of the faeries were dressed in a sort of punked out pink, purple, and turquoise with shredded tutus and dyed hair. The backdrop for the night in the woods was a length of bright blue diaphanous material that, toward the end, three of the faeries pulled down from the ceiling of the stage and trailed behind them as they ran down platforms leading into the crowd, draping the audience standing in the center stage gallery with it. Again, AMAZING!

Although you can view the slideshow below, also be sure to check out my photos of Shakespeare's Globe on Flickr and read through my descriptions for more information. Click here: MrsB Shakespeare's Globe.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Hello Mrs. Barth,

Mrs. Nosbush forwarded your blog--I've got a rising 10th, 6th, and 4th grader at USM and blog a little myself (count me as a Montagne convert).

Isn't the Globe great?! I was there in 2000 and saw the most amazing ever performance of Hamlet.

I'll share you post on Midsummer with our kids. We're going to American Players Theater in August to see it (and middle child read a version with Mr. Moreno this spring).

Enjoy and keep on blogging!

Cindy Zautcke (Ostermeyer)